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Evaluation of Android Application Development - CodeShoppy

Recently, there are many people who ignore health concerns especially in their eating habits. This has made the number of diseases found in society, especially non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, hypertension, and cancer drastically increase every year. The number of patients having these diseases, could be reduced by paying more attention to the food that they eat and nutrition that they receive. Accordingly, the researchers would like to propose FoodForCare, an Android application for self-care with healthy food. The main purpose is to help users have better eating habits and a healthier lifestyle. FoodForCare provides functions for users to keep their daily personal health and food records of food intake. The users can see an analysis of nutrition and calories per day and whether it is sufficient or not. This application can give an overview on food calories and nutrition so that they can eat wisely. Finally, the development of this application hopes to help Thai people in order to manage their total nutrition and calories taken for a healthier lifestyle and will directly decrease the number of people who are getting diseases caused from a disorder of food and nutrition.

It is difficult to set up the Android programming course in colleges and universities. The development of mobile application is considered a challenging task . From the curriculum itself: Firstly, from the perspective of teacher requirements, Android programming is an emerging curriculum, most teachers do not have actual development experience, there is lack of experience in the teaching of the problem. Secondly, from perspective of the student requirements, Android programming is the basic knowledge involved high demanding to students. From the point of view of the combination of course and IOT: IOT is a cross-discipline, requiring teachers to master multidisciplinary knowledge. When teaching Android programming, it is necessary to combine Android application background in the Internet of Things to improve teaching pertinence . It puts forward higher requirements on teachers' overall quality in terms of the openness of Android and the application background of the Internet of Things.

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Before any application needs to build the development environment. Similarly, the installation and configuration of the Android development environment is the first step in developing Android applications, but it is also a good way to understand the Android system .

Android is the first mobile terminal operating system platform that can be completely customized, free and open. Android can be used not only in smart phones, but also in electronic devices such as tablets, mobile internet terminals, net books, portable media players and the like . At the same time, IOT engineering is a practical and strong professional, focusing on students' IoT engineering practice ability. From this point of view, for the Internet of Things Engineering Android programming is a practical, focused training student’s hands-on ability of the course