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Promoting what is fashionable and making products desirable is the work of the fashion promotion and communications expert. Fashion promoters define advertising campaigns and organise promotional activity through the most appropriate communication channels that reflect and represent the image of a brand, or luxury product. They organize presentations, events, fashion shows, exhibitions, conferences, press office and public relations activities, utilising different methods of communication, media and marketing.

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school trains participants in technical and theoretical notions needed to create a professional communication campaign through the study of fashion and luxury marketing management, public relations, social media and advertising. Understanding the connection between consumers, the product, and the markets in which they operate is key to producing a successful communication strategy. During the course participants learn how to anticipate and respond to developments in media and communication.

They explore the major theories and debates that dominate fashion promotion and evaluate different techniques applicable in creating and understanding the role of ‘image’ in fashion, as well as analysing historical and contemporary references. Particular emphasis is placed on public relations within fashion houses: from customer management to the identification of key industry players and celebrities, and from fashion show organisation to the management of press days, conferences and events.