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implemented the reform ofRMB exchange mechanism, RMB is no longer pegged to theU.S.dollar. So, the managed floating exchange rate system wascarried out. The exchange rate reform may improve the tradeimbalance. The impact of RMB exchange rate fluctuations ontrade structure is a double-edged sword. The exchange rate hasbecome  an  important  factor affecting  China’s  economicgrowth  and  foreign  export  .What  impact  would  RMBexchange rate fluctuation have on Chinese trade export? Howshould  the  Chinese  enterprises  behave  to  effectivelycircumvent the exchange rate risk? How is the effect of currentforeign direct investment on China’s foreign trade ? Theseproblems are to be deserved the study and explore. This paperattempts to extend the existing literature by examining therelation between FDI and trade export and exchange ratevolatility in China. The restof this paper is organized asfollows. Section 1 contains the research background and therelated literature review. Section 2 deals with methodology andempirical results analysis. Section 3 contains conclusion andpolicy suggestions.Moreinfo

Under the financial crisis in recent years, China’s foreigntrade policy has undergone fundamental changes. Exchangerate impacts the costs and prices of goods and services of acountry. When a currency’s exchange rate rises, import willincrease and export may decrease. From the view of the theory,the impact of exchange rates on international trade is analyzedin respect to the two aspects. Firstly, the average level ofexchange rate change has impact on import and export trade.The J-curve effect and sticky effect of the consumption andproduction behaviors may be systematic explain.

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 Secondly,exchange rate fluctuations increases the risks related with theforeign trade, which may weaken the foreign trading volume.July  21,2005,Chinareform  the  RMB  exchange  rateformation  mechanism.  The  newly  RMB  Exchange  RateRegime refer to rather than peg to a basket of currencies,which is to control speculation and reduce the excessivevolatility of exchange rates. Owing to exchange rate risk,Chinese enterprises strengthened the awareness of operationalrisk. China is an export oriented country, which is rapideconomic growth accompaniedby rapid growth in exports.This  leads  to  the  upward  trend  of  foreign  investment.Moreover, the growth of China’s GDP is a favorable factor forRMB’s appreciation. One of the main factors for affectingChina’s export trade is the world market price of China’sexport commodities. The appreciation and depreciation ofRMB exchange rate affect the price of commodities for importand  export.  The  differencebetween  export  price  ofcommodities and market price of the commodity to someextent  affect  the  demand  in  the  world  market,  whichinfluenced China’s export volume and growth rate. Foreigndirect  investment  is  increasing  rapidly  every  year. clickhere