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Sewing Machine Showroom in Perambur, Chennai - VS SewingMachine

VS Sewing Machine, Sewing Machine Showroom in Perambur, Chennai offers you with the Top selling brands along with all its Sewing Machines models in the Industry. You can get the recommendations over here with the industry experts. Also we serves you best Pre-Selling as well as the Post Selling Services.

The constant search for methods that allow the production processes improvement is a driving force for the development and integration of current technological solutions in systems which are, currently, still purely human based. It is in this context that the company “Factoryplay” comes forward with the challenge to upgrade its current sewing stations by adding a set of mechanization and automation solutions. This article documents the steps carried out to provide the current solution with the required technical attributes. In this paper, the instrumentation and actuation devised solutions, as well as the method employed to design an embedded PI controller, will be presented. The PI controller allows the closed-loop control of the station movement speed as a function of the sewing machine speed. The practical results obtained, regarding the dynamic response of the sewing station, are in line with the simulated ones.
broken image

As a prerequisite, the thread is segmented within the scannedtextile image and the extracted pixels form a mask. This partdoes not yet associate image pixels to individual stitch points.The subsequent process of finding the stitch positions in thesewn textile consists of three steps. First a rigid transformationpositions the model closely to the segmented thread pixels.Subsequently, a template matching procedure compares asimulation image patch of the region around each model stitchpoint with the actual segmentation mask. That step resultsin an evaluation score for a pixel being a possible candidatefor an individual stitch point. A path search algorithm finallyoptimizes a global energy criterion. This criterion is formedat one hand by the evaluation scores and on the other handby the mechanical elasticity of the textile material that cannotbe freely deformed without force.

A simple threshold procedure after the filtering makes itpossible to robustly determine in which image the thread iswell visible and thus produces a sufficient number of threadpixels that can simply be calculated from the model. The otherimage just contains noise and can be neglected. The advantageof this separation is an increased signal-to-noise ratio becausethe thread signal is just contained in one of the images, yetspurious noise is distributed over both of them and furtherreduced by clipping via themaximumoperation in (1) and(2). In the end, all pixels with a higher probability than agiven threshold value form a preliminary thread pixel maskwF Ras initial guess. Usually this mask can still contain somepixels not really belonging to the thread but the surroundingsubstrate.